Cancellation and Refund Policy

Items of personal information to be collected

When becoming a member by logging in using other social media sites, respective member's nickname, ID, and profile image will be collected from the corresponding social media site. Login is possible with email address instead of logging in with social media and email address and password will be collected.

December 01, 2019 Revised Regulations

Terms of KLIVECON Service Use refer to the full terms of the 'services', including these terms and other separate terms (paid service use terms, operational policies, etc.) that may be added to these Terms later, hereinafter it is to be referred to as "terms".

Terms of KLIVECON Service Use purport to define the legal relationship between “the company” and “the member” in the use of KLIVECON services therein who has entered into the use contract in accordance with these terms (hereinafter the concerned contract is referred to as “contract”, and the concerned user is a “member”) which are to be provided by KCINFRA through the KLIVECON app etc.

The ‘Company’ shall post these ‘terms’ and privacy policy on the initial window of ‘services’ etc, in order for the ‘member’ to easily identify those.

1. Conclusion of contract

1.1. 'Contract' is concluded when a person who wants to be a 'member' (hereinafter referred to as ‘subscription applicant’) agrees with respect to the contents of ‘terms’ and then applies for the subscription, and therefore the ‘company’ approves such application, and after becoming the ‘member’ from the moment when the ‘contract’ is concluded pursuant to the approval of the ‘company’, the ‘subscription applicant’ may use freely the ‘services’ in accordance with the ‘terms’.

1.2. The ‘company’ may collect the (personal) information such as email address of the ‘subscription applicant’ in the course of concluding the contract, and in which case the ‘subscription applicant’ shall provide the accurate (not false) information. For such collection and use and storage of personal information pursuant to this paragraph, the privacy policy separately posted shall be applied.

1.3. The ‘company’ may suspend or reject such approval, or terminate afterward the contract if the approval of the ‘company’ for the application of the ‘subscription applicant’ is not appropriate because of the grounds such as a mechanical access or account theft, provision of false information and the confirmed history of ‘services’ abusing of the ‘subscription applicant’ etc with regard to the KLIVECON service system, in the course of the member application of the ‘subscription applicant’.

1. Provider of products, company name of seller, CEO name, address, phone number, etc.

Company Registration Number: 214-88-92067

Company Information : KCInfra Inc. CEO, Ja Sung Goo

126, Beolmal-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Tel. 02-536-1186

KCInfra Inc. All rights reserved.

2. Period of cancellation of transaction and contract termination, and execution method, efficacy

In accordance with the 「ACT ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, ETC」 (hereinafter 「electronic commerce transaction act」), 'member' may cancel the transaction or the contract (hereinafter 'cancellation and etc.'), within 7 days after being notified of contract agreement or product delivery. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the purchased product is already used then the used portion of the purchased product cannot be cancelled or refunded. The potential reasons are notified on the product purchase page. However, if the advertisement or description of the product misrepresented the actual contents of the product, or the service is performed differently from agreement, 'cancellation and etc.' may be done within three (3) months from the product delivery, or within 30 days from the date when 'member' knew' or should have known such misrepresentation. If 'member' proceeds with 'cancellation and etc.', the product purchased by 'member' will be refunded to 'company' and 'company' must proceed with the refund process in accordance with the 'electronic commerce transaction act'.

3. Details on exchange, return, guarantee, refund, etc. of products

Unused "paid products" can be refunded in "Credit". You can also request a refund for unused "Credit". However, these refund requests can only be made for the purchased "Credit" and "Credit" received free of charge for bonus or promotion are not eligible for a refund. Other refund policy for each product are as follows.

LIVE Package: You can apply for a refund only within the 7-day withdrawal period. In case you did not use the item at all, it will be refunded in full. However, the amount for the period of use will be deducted according to the number of days and the remaining balance will be refunded to you if it has been used already.

4. Minimum system specifications and required software to use the products

Our service supports Window7, iOS 9 and Android 4.2 and up. There may be restrictions on playing the videos when you're using a rooted or test device or when a recording app is running.

5. Complaint and dispute settlement and consumer consultation contact number

You can send your opinions via link below.

Tel. no: 1588-3820

6. Transaction Agreement
